• Configures a Pinecone indexer.

    Type Parameters


    • ai: Genkit

      A Genkit instance

    • params: {
          clientParams?: PineconeConfiguration;
          contentKey?: string;
          embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>;
          embedderOptions?: TypeOf<EmbedderCustomOptions>;
          indexId: string;
          textKey?: string;

      The params for the indexer

      • OptionalclientParams?: PineconeConfiguration

        PineconeConfiguration containing the PINECONE_API_KEY. If not set, the PINECONE_API_KEY environment variable will be used instead.

      • OptionalcontentKey?: string

        The metadata key that contains the content. If not specified, the value '_content' is used by default.

      • embedder: EmbedderArgument<EmbedderCustomOptions>

        The embedder to use for the retriever

      • OptionalembedderOptions?: TypeOf<EmbedderCustomOptions>

        Options to customize the embedder

      • indexId: string

        The name of the indexer

      • OptionaltextKey?: string

        use contentKey instead.

    Returns IndexerAction<
                { namespace: ZodOptional<ZodString> },
                { namespace?: string },
                { namespace?: string },

    A Genkit indexer